How to Clean Plastic Adirondack Chairs?

Adirondack chairs are straightforward to maintain and are available in the outdoor setting of many homes. These chairs are often dirty due to the exposure to various agents, which can cause dirt on the chairs. However, there are multiple methods on how to clean plastic Adirondack chair, which have been virtually employed by various people and yield fruits.

The chairs are made from several materials, but the most common is the wooden materials available for most consumers and many household owners. The most preferred wood in the Adirondack chairs‘ manufacture is the wooden red cedar, which is virtually waterproof and has some other added advantages in the market.

The wood is always resistant to the weather conditions changes and can adapt to any change for a considerable time. The chairs are typically painted using a double coat and a very distinctive high gloss paint, waterproof to prevent the wood from intermittent soaking due to some frequent precipitation.

Cleaning Plastic Adirondack Chair

There is also another available type of mahogany resistant to a wide range of seasons and is very suitable for permanent homes. Other trees can be specially used to make the chairs, namely, teak, fir, shore, pine, and eucalyptus though the latter are rarely used.

Since the chairs are often exposed to many agents from the environment, they are always dirty. They need to be cleaned most regularly using several essential steps to be done sequentially to obtain favorable results.

The actions of cleaning the Adirondack chairs include;

Coagulation of soap and liquid dish

One has to pour gallons of clean water gently into a clean and empty bucket. The water should be distilled or relatively clean and contain water from other different sources that can be used and recommended to be very clean.

Approximately use two or three squirts of pure soap to thicken to create a composite mixture of the two portions. The main intention is to create suds. Suds are after that, used to scrub the plastic chairs. They mostly work best for the plastic chairs compared to the wooden chairs.

Wiping the chairs

One has to purchase a very gentle solution of the non-bleaching cleaning solution, which is suitable for either the wooden or the plastic material of the chair. The solution is used to remove dirt for a few minutes in the chair, and then it is left to dry for some time.

The duration which should be left to dry varies from one material of the chair to another. The plastic chairs tend to dry faster compared to wooden chairs due to their adsorption rate. The wood is more adsorbent compared to the plastic material, therefore tough to dry.


Soaking is a continuous process that majorly functions to lessen the strength of dirt attached to a material. The entire process of soaking is meant to reduce the ground, especially in the wooden chairs. Plastic chairs usually dint stick to more dirt compared to the wooden ones.

The soaking rate is comparatively higher in wooden chairs than the plastic chairs due to their variability in the materials. However, it is also important to soak the chairs for at least 10 to 15 minutes to ensure the material’s optimal soaking.

Rinsing the chairs

Use soap or any suitable detergent to rinse the chairs. The soap is specifically used to remove remaining dirt deposited in the chairs or any other debris material which had not been earlier on removed due to some reasons.

The soap is the best detergent because it does not fade the original color of the chair and does not tamper with the plastic chair’s chemical compositions. It is also suitable to use the soap detergent when handling the wooden chair to avoid unnecessary chemical reactions that may have been encountered when using other concentrated detergents.


One has to repeat the entire scrubbing process to eradicate the unnecessary dirt that has been deposited in the crevices of many wooden chairs. It is advisable to use a gentle and light brush, which is very easy to reach the chairs’ outdoor crevices. The brushes should also be soft to ensure that it can penetrate the small cracks of the chairs.

Some people also prefer thick brushes to remove dirt from the seats and other surfaces, which are dirt deposits that may have settled for a longer time, therefore very hard to remove. Thus, the thick brushes work best because they remove the tough stains compared to the soft ones.

Turn the chair Upside down

The main intention of turning the chair upside is to allow the chair to dry. Plastic chairs often dry much faster compared to the wooden ones because they rated Adsorption. The plastic Adirondack chairs are less adsorbent and therefore take minimal time to dry because it has less water accumulation.

The wooden chairs may take a more considerable time to dry because of Adsorption’s higher rate and volume. The higher the quality of Adsorption, the longer the drying time. Alternatively, one can also use the paper towels or any other form of towels to dry the chairs if there is a limited time that has to be spent on drying.


 It is also wise to avoid using more abrasive tools in stain removal like steel wool, which may cause too much friction and even cause a loss in the material’s original color. It is also essential to avoid the use of more challenging stains removals, which may cause bleaching of the chair’s actual color.

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