Hip Pain When Sitting and Lying Down | What Are The Solutions?

Physical fitness is something that is cherished by all. Due to the modern working environment, many of us get stuck sitting at the desk all day long. This type of lifestyle does not allow us to involve much in physical activities. As a result, we suffer from different types of physical pain.

In this article, I addressed the issue of hip pain when sitting and lying down. We’ll tell you about the causes and the solutions to this problem.

Hip Pain When Sitting and Lying Down

Solutions for Hip Pain When Sitting and Lying Down

Before jumping into the solutions, let’s learn the causes of hip pain while sitting and lying down.

Causes of Hip Pain When Sitting and Lying Down

Here are the causes of hip pain.

Bad Sleep Posture

Bad sleep posture causes extra pressure on the hips during the night sleep. As a result, you may wake up with aching and hardness on your hips. If someone is sleeping on his front, it causes strain on his hips and spine, resulting in extra pressure on the hips.

Besides, sleeping on the side can also cause disorder between the hips and knees.

Same Sitting Posture for a Long Time

If you are doing a desk job for more than 8 hours a day, you can feel pain in the hips due to a long time sitting in the same posture. Let’s say, you have to sit for 40 to 50 hours every week for over 5 to 6 months.

This long period of sitting reduces the strength of the hips and creates pain. When you stand up from the chair, your hip extensors, glutes, and cores will be weaker. 

While sitting, we bend our knees. Our hamstrings get relaxed and shortened. Our hip flexors are placed at the highest shortened length. Due to poor posture, we can feel pain in the hips.


Bursae are little sacks of fluid. They provide a cushioning effect between the muscles or bones and tendons of the hips. If the bursae get inflamed, they can cause bursitis.

This inflammation is the result of the hips having recurrent overexertion. You can feel pain during sitting and lying down due to bursitis.


Tendons act as the link between bones and muscles. They assist in movement. Inflammation in the tendons is known as tendinitis. When this occurs to hip tendons, the phenomenon is called hip tendonitis.

It happens due to the over-use of the hips. Usually, symptoms of tendinitis are felt while walking. However, it can also cause pain while sitting and lying down.  


Arthritis causes pain in the cartilage of the joints. This type of pain is more apparent while walking. But you can feel it too while sitting and lying down, especially if you are sitting or frequently lying with a poor posture.

Solutions for Hip Pain

Here are some solutions you can try.

  • Develop Your Sleeping Posture

The style of your sleeping can add pressure in the hips. As a result, you can have hip pain, or your existing pain can be aggravated. Develop the manner of your sleeping and lying down.

Stay away from sleeping on the front. Sleep while resting on your back. If you prefer to lie down on your side, put a cushion or pillow between the knees. This will upgrade the alignment of the knee and hip.

  • Alter the Mattress

A rigid mattress can impose pressure on the tendons and bursae. It can cause pain, even develop soreness in the hips. A softer mattress or adding foam on top of the mattresscan solve this problem.

  • Rearrange Sitting Posture and Workstation

If you are on a long term desk job, then arrange a comfortable workstation. Develop your sitting posture as much as you can. Place the feet perfectly aligned. Keep the pelvis aligned. Keep your spine straight. Level your knees and hips with each other.Try not to cross the legs. Avoid leaning on any side while sitting.

The standing desk can be a good alternative. It is getting popular day by day. If you think of shifting to a standing desk, avoid static posture. Place a small stool below one foot sometimes. Shift your stance often.

Make sure your shoes are in good condition. Sometimes bad soles or worn-out shoes cause hip pain.  

  • Go to a Therapist

If the pain doesn’t go away by developing the posture or changing the mattress, go to a physical therapist. They are specialized in the treatment of various types of pain.

These treatments can assist in minimizing and cure hip pain. The positive side of this type of treatment is that it does not need any surgery or medicine. So, there will be no risk or long term effect.  

  • Do Hip Exercise

There are various types of hip exercises. Do your research or talk to a therapist, then choose the correct one.

Some Do’s and Don’ts to Avoid Hip Pain

There are some pretty simple but effective do’s and don’ts to avoid hip pain. Keep these in mind even if you forget the whole article!

  • Do not just sit on the chair. Movement can make all the difference.
  • Take little breaks for standing and walking.
  • Stretch your hamstring, hip joints, and flexors often. Do a good stretching after a long day of work. 
  • Take enough sleep. Lack of sleep can make the hip pain worse.

Final Words

Prevention is better than cure. So, take preventive measures before your hip pain gets worse. If the pain does not go away easily, consult with a doctor. Keep this article on hip pain when sitting and lying down as a guideline.

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